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Variables identifying the state in which survey respondents resided at the time of the interview, their Census region, Census division (beginning in 2014), and metropolitan status appear on the ATUS-CPS data file. While the county and core-based statistical area codes are also available from the ATUS-CPS files, these codes are frequently suppressed to maintain the confidentiality of CPS survey respondents. The CPS suppresses geographic identifiers if the defined area has a population less than 100,000; in some cases, they'll also suppress geographic areas with more than 100,000 residents, if a suppressed complementary geographic area could be identified. Researchers should be careful using smaller geographic areas in their work, as the ATUS sample sizes often do not support analysis at these levels. Most researchers who use the detailed geographic codes are generally linking the ATUS to another data source, such as weather data. Please see the ATUS-CPS data dictionary for more information about the variables that appear on the ATUS-CPS file. For information about working with the ATUS-CPS file and linking it to the other ATUS data sets, please read the introduction to the ATUS-CPS data dictionary and also see the How to Use ATUS Microdata Files page. 781b155fdc