Qualitative Research From Start To Finish
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I reviewed Yin's (2011) recent publication entitled Qualitative Research from Start to Finish, with a particular eye to the benefits for the seasoned researcher, as well as significant aspects that are appropriate for the beginning and intermediate graduate student. A unique element of the book is the inclusion of a discussion of worldviews at the end of the book. Additionally, the adaptive focus of the book might be helpful for both novice and seasoned researchers.
This lively, practical text presents a fresh and comprehensive approach to doing qualitative research. The book offers a unique balance of theory and clear-cut choices for customizing every phase of a qualitative study. A scholarly mix of classic and contemporary studies from multiple disciplines provides compelling, field-based examples of the full range of qualitative approaches. Readers learn about adaptive ways of designing studies, collecting data, analyzing data, and reporting findings. Key aspects of the researcher's craft are addressed, such as fieldwork options, the five phases of data analysis (with and without using computer-based software), and how to incorporate the researcher's declarative and reflective selves into a final report.ÿIdeal for graduate-level courses, the text includes:* Discussions of ethnography, grounded theory, phenomenology, feminist research, and other approaches.* Instructions for creating a study bank to get a new study started.* End-of-chapter exercises and a semester-long, field-based project.* Quick study boxes, research vignettes, sample studies, and a glossary.* Previews for sections within chapters, and chapter recaps.* Discussion of the place of qualitative research among other social science methods, including mixed methods research.
Robert K. Yin has directly overseen, led, or participated in nearly 200 studies, most using qualitative methods. He serves as the president of COSMOS Corporation, a firm devoted to social science research. Most recently, he has had an extensive assignment with the United Nations Development Programme, helping its staff to strengthen the use of qualitative research in its evaluations. Dr. Yin has taught methods courses in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and he advises doctoral students in preparing the prospectuses for their dissertations, most recently at the University of Copenhagen. Currently, he holds the position of distinguished scholar-in-residence in the School of International Service at American University. In all, Dr. Yin has authored six books, edited four others, and published nearly 100 journal articles. His research has covered a wide array of fields, such as primary, secondary, and postsecondary education; health promotion, HIV/AIDS prevention, and substance abuse prevention; organizational development and program evaluation; neighborhood, community, and urban development; and technological innovation and communications.
The University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol, UK, will provide its Qualitative Research International Summer School from 28 July to 1 August 2014. Workshops will be offered on qualitative research \"from start to finish\" -- theoretical foundations, design, methods of data collection and analysis (interviews, focus groups, TA, IPA, DA, CA, GT, CAQDAS, action and narrative research), quality, and communicating findings.
The allure of qualitative research is that it enables you to conduct in-depth studiesabout a broad array of topics, including your favorites, in plain and everyday terms.Moreover, qualitative research offers greater latitude in selecting topics of interestbecause other research methods are likely to be constrained by:
By now, qualitative research has become an acceptable, if not mainstream,form of research in many different academic and professional fields. As a result,the large number of students and scholars who conduct qualitative studies maybe part of different social science disciplines (e., sociology, anthropology, politi-cal science, or psychology) or different professions (e., education, management,nursing, urban planning, and program evaluation). In any of these fields, qualita-tive research represents an attractive and fruitful way of doing research.
1 Oral history (Yow, 1994) is a form of more contemporary history, which may capture ongoingevents. Oral history therefore falls within both the classical historical inquiry and qualitativeinquiry. In a similar manner, this brief reference to other forms of social science inquiry is notintended to convey the impression of any sharp distinction among the types of research. Theyall can overlap in one way or another, even though they still have some core characteristics thatdifferentiate them.
A third condition contributing to the overall mosaic points to the large number offormally recognized methodologies within qualitative research. In defining yourown qualitative research, you may want to emulate one of the variations. You may
3 Creswell (2007, p. 5), for instance, poses this question and gives it as a major rationale for guid-ing people to doing studies that emphasize one of five variations of qualitative research: nar-rative research, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and case study. He admits tobeing unable to address other variations, such as action research (p. 11).
A second craft objective is to do qualitative research methodically. There needsto be adequate room for discovery and allowance for unanticipated events. How-ever, being methodic means following some orderly set of research procedures and
5 However, use of this term should not be confused with a like- sounding similar term, an empiri-cist view of how all human knowledge is created. The latter is part of a much older philosophicaldebate, emanating from the writings of John Locke and Immanuel Kant, over whether suchknowledge only results from learned experiences, or whether humans also start with some innateknowledge, such as the ability to perceive and produce language. The evidence-based objectivepursued in this book refers to the conduct of a research study, not the (empiricist or innate)processes whereby human beings accrue knowledge.
Places students in teams collaborating with a local community-based organization or JHU faculty member to develop a qualitative research project. Introduces key topics in qualitative research including conducting field research, developing study protocols and data collection instruments, and interacting with qualitative research participants and collaborators. Addresses the practical aspects of qualitative study design (e.g. choosing between data collection methods, resolving logistical challenges, and operationalizing an iterative research design) as well as the practical aspects of ethical review (including the JHSPH IRB and school ethical review processes). Prepares students to develop the components needed to begin the qualitative research project conducted in 224.698.01: Qualitative Research Practicum II: Collecting Qualitative Data and 224.699.01:Qualitative Research Practicum III: Analyzing and Writing Qualitative Findings (NOTE: concurrent or prior enrollment required).
One of the biggest advantages with choosing a research tool specifically is the capacity to deal with all your qualitative data in a way that makes sense. Look for a tool that allows for easy sorting, tagging, and exporting.
As Samantha sorted through the data, a few threads started to come together. She realized that for many users, their engagement with the news was passive. They were sent an interesting article from a coworker or they clicked on headline that came up on their Twitter feed. Far fewer checked a designated app, newsletter, or website. Most were not loyal to any particular news source.
Amazon.comFind in a libraryAll sellers _OC_InitNavbar({\"child_node\":[{\"title\":\"My library\",\"url\":\" =114584440181414684107\\u0026source=gbs_lp_bookshelf_list\",\"id\":\"my_library\",\"collapsed\":true},{\"title\":\"My History\",\"url\":\"\",\"id\":\"my_history\",\"collapsed\":true},{\"title\":\"Books on Google Play\",\"url\":\" \",\"id\":\"ebookstore\",\"collapsed\":true}],\"highlighted_node_id\":\"\"});Qualitative Data Analysis: From Start to FinishJamie HardingSAGE Publications, 29 Dec 2018 - Social Science - 328 pages 0 ReviewsReviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identifiedThis is the ideal book to get you up and running with the basics of qualitative data analysis. It breaks everything down into a series of simple steps and introduces the practical tools and techniques you need to turn your transcripts into meaningful research.
Using multidisciplinary data from interviews and focus groups Jamie Harding provides clear guidance on how to apply key research skills such as making summaries, identifying similarities, drawing comparisons and using codes.
Prior to making changes on your website and before starting any A/B or multivariate test, you need to conduct qualitative and quantitative researches. The data you collect from both types of research help you assess your site for potential problems, areas of weakness, as well as areas of strength.
Over the years, I heard companies claim that they conduct qualitative analysis to understand online visitor behavior. However, when you start digging deep into what these companies are really doing, you discover that they are merely paying lip service to qualitative research.
The fields of qualitative and quantitative research have been used extensively in social and psychological research for over a hundred years. While the literature is rich with books that explain how to use the research for conducting social studies and how to analyze the results, little has been produced in terms of using the research to increase website conversions.
When using qualitative and quantitative researches with the goal of increasing website conversion rates, you need a conversion-oriented approach to plan, conduct, and analyze your research. This approach assures you find valuable insights about your website visitors. 59ce067264